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Diventa arbitro di Football Americano


Twinning between Parma Panthers and Castelfranco Cavaliers


Parma, May 30, 2011 – During the half-time, Parma Panthers and Castelfranco Cavaliers have concluded a twinning.
Ivano Tira, Panthers president, and Marco Cecchin, Cavaliers captain, gift each other with the team jersey.
There was, moreover, another twinning between Parma Avis represented by Franco Bonetti and Beppe Castellano, "Dona&Vita" director, Veneto Avis newspaper.
2010 Miss Avis Susanna Gerboni gave the Avis t-shirt to Castellano. There was also Walter Antonini, provincial assessor. He said: "I’m very satisfied for this event, I’ll hope that also other sports in the future will be able to promote initiative with benefit society".

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