Season Pass
Diventa arbitro di Football Americano

The Panthers received the award "Ercole Negri" on stage at Regio Theatre

Parma, November 16, 2010 – A chorus "Champions, Champions, Champions" then a touchdown of Craig McIntyre and a tackle of Michele Canali are some of the frames of the Super Bowl video showed yesterday to introduce the Panthers on stage at Regio Theatre. The Panthers, along with the Cariparma Baseball, received the "Ercole Negri" award. The prize was received by President Ivano Tira, accompanied by team manager Ugo Bonvicini, head coach Andrew Papoccia and players Alberto Lanzoni, Michele Scatola, Marco Tunnera, Michele Canali, Alessandro Malpeli Avalli e Francesco Diaferia.

"This award is the culmination of an extraordinary season - said president Ivano Tira - Now we aim to defend this title and play our best football in the European League".
Meanwhile, the popularity is spreading in America thanks to the novel by John Grisham: "Paradoxically, we are more popular in the U.S. then here in Italy. Many American families which are on holiday in our country come to visit Rome, Venice... and Parma, to attend a Panthers game".

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