Season Pass
Diventa arbitro di Football Americano

Super Bowl: Avis and Starlight Cheerleaders with the Panthers

Parma, June 24, 2010 – This Saturday, when the Panthers will do their Super Bowl entrance with the AC/DC song "Hell's Bells", the Under 13 and Under 15 team will be with them, wearing an AVIS t-shirt.
The Panthers have been the testimonial of AVIS (the italian association of blood donor) for couple of months.

Even the Starlight Cheerleaders will be with the Panthers during the Super Bowl, performing the half-time show. The members of the cheerleading corp are Bernazzoli Cecilia (coach), Agazzi Silvia, Anastasia Carol, Ballabeni Sara, Biasetti Maria Luisa, Bonacini Elisa, Carpi Serena, Giannini Francesca, La Face Michela, Mari Monica, Pezzani Alessandra, Redavid Ilaria, Soncini Silvia, Varoli Irene.

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